Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Next Presidential Candidate

Well, Fred Thompson finally made his announcement that he is throwing his hat in the ring for the next P.O.T.U.S., a.k.a. President of the United States. I counted the republican and democratic candidates that have national campaigns. The total is up to 18 now, for both parties. This does not include any independent candidates. So who else will decide to run for a few minutes in the national spotlight. I watched the movie Man of the Year, with Robin Williams, whose character, a comedian with political talk show, decides to run for president.

So the next could be anyone. My question is what do the exploratory committees do. Who are they and what kind of coin do they get for conducting their explorations? Maybe I could start my own firm that performs potential candidate explorations. I could have my own firm jingle and catchy slogan. Has anyone ever been contacted by phone or received any mailings on potential presidential hopefuls. I know I haven't. Maybe the candidates get a group rate if they go with the same firm or agency that puts together these so called exploratory committees. I can picture the ads in the House and Senate newsletters, if they have such a thing, saying "If your thinking of taking the next political step call us down here at Consultations A Plenty to conduct the probability of your next campaign, because you will always find it favorable to run the next race."

Hey, does Fred Thompson actually think he will get the nod for the Republican nominee from the voters? Apparently he does, due to the results given to him from his exploratory committee. I wish you the best Fred. Hopefully, it will not take away from your acting, where you receive small but stay with the viewer roles that has made you more of a household face.
Go get'em Fred.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Over the weekend, my wife, son and I went to North Carolina for Memorial Day weekend. The first few days were fine. We spent one day with my brother and his girlfriend, who we have not met prior to now. However, our Sunday cookout is what I wanted to write about. First, my mom calls me the Thursday before our trip asking how long we plan on staying because all of the family are going to be at her house for a cookout on Sunday. My family, for some background info., are good time folk who enjoy Nascar and daily doses of family drama that are brought on by pseudo-crises situations that are created themselves. So mom is distraught on the phone because she thinks that we are not going to stay for the cookout. I assure her that we were going stay for the weekend's festivities.

Now once we get there she, for drama purposes, informs us of the new developments of who is not going to be at the cookout because they have not called her back. She stated that "I don't know if your Uncle Jim and Cathy are going to be here." "How come?" I ask. "Because they haven't called me back." Then she proceeds to let us know that my cousin, Michelle, and her fiance, Jerry, are going to make the hot dog chili. The same chili that my brother told me that in order to get rid of excess liquid, Jerry, let the chili come to the point of burning instead of draining off the liquid. The drama centered around the cookout and who is going to show and not show.

Mom's boyfriend, Bob, and his two grandchildren came. Bob, by trade, drives a wrecker for tractor trailers. He came to this year's cookout complete with pictures of some of the trucks that he has had to tow or work with. My Uncle Jim, whose 1st words to my 3 month old son was "hey fat boy!" and his wife Cathy did show with their grandson, a 15 month old baby who would have his fill of diet Mtn. Dew, Little Hugs, and other soda products. Then there was my cousin and her fiance, Jerry. Jerry did bring the hot dog chili and it tasted o.k. Once everyone arrived the conversation was awkward and it turned to Nascar and the race at Lowe's Motor Speedway. Jerry would go on to pontificate on how this is a favorite track of many of the race car drivers in his smokey and raspy voice. Bob and Jim joined the discussion on favorite drivers and how they need to do today.

So not knowing much about racing I bring up the previous NCAA b-ball tournament and stated to my uncle the heartbreaking loss of his beloved Duke Blue Devils in the 1st round....awkward pause and then the answer from him "well at least I didn't call anybody when UNC lost." Hmmm, how do I respond to this? This was the question that I repeatedly asked my self several times during the cookout. My wife became quiet for much of the cookout. Everyone then moved to mom's living room to watch the race. Bob took off his shoes and socks and made himself comfortable on the couch where no one else could sit. Jeff Gordon was out of the race so he stated that he was not going to watch the race anymore and they would eventually leave a few minutes later.

My aunt Cathy, who was not able to make it, was probably involved in her love triangle with a guy who is addicted to prescription meds and her live in husband, ex-husband, now husband again. I wish I was a better writer and knew more of the goings on in my family. I could post a daily blog on the daily lives of my family.

This is the cookout that my mother so wanted us to come for. We saw family members that we said only a few words to and to hear the current deliberations of Nascar nation. Ahhh, family gatherings. What stories would go untold if we did not have them. I just hate my brother was not there to share my thoughts and experience of this Memorial Day cookout 2007.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


5/24/07. I am at my desk at work waiting for a call to come in to complete an assessment. My work is assessing individuals that are in crisis and evaluate them for a possible hospital stay. The CSB, Community Service Board, I work for covers a 5 county area. During the time, 3 months, I have been a crisis services therapist I have been challenged in so many facets of life

No matter what I have going on in my life that seems overwhelming or stressful, it fails in comparison to what the people I talk to everyday are going through. They could be decompensating and having acute psychosis, suicidal or homicidal thoughts, or attempts, or even the inability to care for themselves. It brings a new aspect to who I am, what I am doing, and what is important to me.

I am sure that this blog is going to be all the rave for days and weeks to come (sarcasm). So please let me know what experiences in your lives have challenged you to become who you are today.

Monday, May 21, 2007


My wife suggested that I think of 30 things I am thankful for. I mention this because for the last 3 days I have struggled with the idea that I turn 30 today. So as the ever caring and thoughtful husband that I am I will think of some, maybe not 30, things I am thankful for.

1. My faith

2. Family (wife and son)

3. work

4. Ability to work

5. Health

6. Sports

7. Education

8. My country/way of life

9. Music

10. Friends

*not necessarily in order of importance

I know that these may be on the top of everyone's list of things they are thankful for but the more I think about it the more importance they really do have in my life. This is my first blog so I am not sure the length of a blog. I say that because so many thoughts come to mind to write down. Maybe for my upcoming blogs I will elaborate on my top 10.