The world of blogging
I have just verified my blog site with Google. I thought that I was somewhat knowledgeable about computers, the internet, blah blah blah, but in trying to find stats for my blog has been cumbersome. I searched through blogspot for stats only to find that I had to verify my site with Google to acquire those stats. So after an hour passed and reading over and over again Google's process to verify my site, only so people can search and find my blog, I have, hopefully, achieved what I set out to do. The blogging world is gigantic and can be difficult to wade through all of the things you can do. I think my next task will be learning how to edit HTML and possibly creating or at least editing my own template. However, the only time I get to play with my blog site is when I am at work. If anyone out there, if you are lucky enough to read my posts, let me know of any good tips for templates or sites that can help you learn how to edit and create templates.
So now if you search the word crap you can find me and if you search the phrase "glory hole users" you will find my brother's blog page. Happy hunting.